Does Fasting Increase Testosterone?

Does Fasting Increase Testosterone?

Exploring the Link Between Fasting and Testosterone Levels

Fasting has gained popularity more recently for its health benefits such as fat loss and potential impact on hormones, but does it boost testosterone? Many studies suggest that intermittent fasting and extended fasting can help with hormone regulation, metabolic health, and testosterone production. 

It is believed that by giving the digestive system a break, fasting helps lower insulin levels, reduce inflammation, and improve growth hormone production, all of which contribute to better testosterone levels.

Another thing to consider is, that fasting may increase the luteinizing hormone which is responsible for signaling the testes to produce testosterone. Some research also suggests that short-term fasting can temporarily spike testosterone levels by improving insulin sensitivity. Though, fasting is not just some magical cure for low testosterone and its effects vary from person to person.

How Fasting Affects Hormone Production

Fasting has gained popularity for its potential benefits on hormone regulation, more specifically, testosterone. When you fast, insulin levels will usually drop and this process is what helps improve growth hormone production which is needed to aid muscle growth, fat loss, and testosterone support. 

Fasting also triggers something referred to as “autophagy” which is a process where the body clears out damaged cells and improves cellular function as a whole. 

There are few studies on this topic, but intermittent fasting, in particular, has been known to help increase testosterone levels by promoting better insulin sensitivity and reducing inflammation throughout the body. Some studies even suggest that short-term fasting can lead to a temporary spike in testosterone due to the body’s adaptive response to energy restriction but this is not a response that should be abused.

Excessive or prolonged fasting may increase cortisol levels, negatively impacting testosterone if not managed properly. 

The Connection Between Insulin, Fat Loss, and Testosterone

Insulin, fat loss, and testosterone are closely linked, and all three play an important role in hormonal balance. Oftentimes, when insulin levels are high, the body stores more fat, especially around the abdomen area. Excess fat helps promote estrogen production and inflammation, both of which contribute to lower testosterone levels.

Losing body fat through a healthy diet and exercise improves insulin sensitivity, which allows the body to regulate blood sugar more efficiently. This leads to lower cortisol levels and better testosterone levels.

Intermittent Fasting vs. Extended Fasting: Which is Better?

Fasting has become quite popular in recent years but which approach is better? 

Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is when you cycle between fasting and eating. Many people find it boosts energy and hormone levels while also having the potential to aid in digestion. The most common methods are:

  • 16:8 (fasting for 16 hours, eating within 8) 
  • 5:2 (eating normally for five days, restricting calories for two). 

Extended Fasting

Extended fasting lasts much longer than intermittent fasting and usually extends 24 hours or more. The most common reason for fasting is cellular repair and fat loss but it can also be used to increase testosterone levels. During prolonged fasting, the body shifts into ketosis which is the process of burning stored fat for energy all while triggering autophagy.

However, fasting for too long can increase cortisol production in the body and lead to other health problems. You should never fast for too long and remember to break your fast with nutrient-dense foods. 

Potential Benefits and Drawbacks of Fasting for Testosterone

Fasting is known to help with hormone production but many of the benefits and drawbacks should be weighed out first.


  • Increases Luteinizing Hormone
  • Helps With Growth Hormone Secretion
  • Improves Insulin Sensitivity 
  • Promotes Fat Loss
  • Reduces Inflammation.
  • Regulates Cortisol Levels (When Managed Properly) 
  • Increases Energy 
  • May Improve Sperm Quality & Fertility


  • Increases Cortisol Levels (If Overdone) 
  • Potential Muscle Loss 
  • Energy Dips & Fatigue
  • Disrupts Sleep Patterns 
  • Hormonal Imbalances (If Extreme) 
  • Reduced Appetite for Key Nutrients 
  • May Lead to Overeating Post-Fast 

So with that being said, fasting is definitely an excellent way to give your body a boost but is not sustainable long term without potential side effects.


Does Fasting Increase Testosterone Levels?

Short-term fasting may help signal the body to produce more testosterone over time. It can also improve insulin sensitivity (if necessary) which supports healthy testosterone levels.

Can Fasting Lower Testosterone?

If done excessively, fasting can raise cortisol (the stress hormone), which may suppress testosterone production. Extended fasting or severe calorie restriction can also lead to muscle loss and is not recommended. 

How Does Fasting Affect Muscle Growth and Testosterone?

Fasting can help optimize hormones, but without enough protein and strength training, muscle loss may occur. Proper nutrition and post-fast meal planning are essential in terms of building muscle properly. 

Does Fasting Improve Sperm Health?

Some studies suggest that fasting may intensify sperm quality by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation but fasting in general should not be used long-term as this can have the opposite effect. 


Fasting has been widely studied for its potential health benefits, including its impact on testosterone production. Many believe that intermittent fasting can help with hormone levels and  improve insulin sensitivity, while reducing body fat as a whole.

However, the effects of fasting on testosterone are not universally positive and this should be noted if you plan to start fasting. It’s a useful tool no doubt, but it should be strategically combined with a healthy diet and exercise so you actually benefit from it.